Reducing risk and disruption during migration using a blue/green approach

When a system needs to change from one version to the next, this can be disruptive and risky.  One approach to reducing this disruption and risk is a via a blue/green approach.  Changing from one version to the next is also known as migration, upgrading or updating.  I will describe the blue/green approach using three … Continue reading Reducing risk and disruption during migration using a blue/green approach

Modulo arithmetic in everyday life and code

Despite its scarily maths-sounding name, I suspect that you have already come across modulo arithmetic, even though it probably didn't have that name. In this article I'll go into a few examples of modulo arithmetic in the everyday world, and how the practical limitations faced by computers cause modulo arithmetic to crop up when you … Continue reading Modulo arithmetic in everyday life and code

Balanced trees

In a previous article on complexity, i.e. performance trends in code, I said that trees can be useful ways of storing data, but they only work if they’re reasonably well balanced. In this context, balanced means that no path from the root node of the tree to a leaf node is much longer than any … Continue reading Balanced trees